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20 July 1969: Pope Paul VI sends blessings to first men on the moon

VATICAN CITY – As millions of men, women and children did across the world on the night of 20 July 1969, Pope Paul VI spent his time glued to the television to watch Neil Armstrong as he became the first man ever to land, and then to walk, on the moon.

Paus: Gereja memerlukan kerasulan pencegahan untuk melindungi kanak-kanak daripada pencabulan

Pencegahan merupakan kunci dalam usaha melindungi golongan kanak-kanak daripada pencabulan, kata Pope Francis.

Pope: Church needs apostolate of prevention to protect minors from abuse

Prevention is key in protecting minors from abuse, Pope Francis said.



CHARIS: A new service for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

CHARIS, a new unified service for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, will be inaugurated at Pentecost. Father Alexandre Awi Mello, secretary of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, and Jean-Luc Moens, the first moderator of CHARIS, were asked by Vatican News to tell us about this new service, which was commissioned by Pope Francis.