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Amazon synod looks at climate, priests and inculturation

Climate change, water resources, inculturation and indigenous practices were among the topics discussed during the first afternoon session of the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon.

Pope Francis rasmi Bulan Misionari dengan seruan untuk berkongsikan kegembiraan, harapan, bakat

Allah mahu semua orang mengambil risiko untuk berkongsi pemberian yang Dia telah berikan kepada mereka dengan orang lain, kata Pope Francis.

Pope opens Missionary Month with call to share joy, hope, talents

God wants everyone to take a risk to share with others the gifts he has given to them – their life, talents and his love, Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis institutes day to promote knowledge and love of scripture

Pope Francis declared the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time to be the Sunday of the Word of God in order to promote a closer relationship with holy scripture and its dissemination in the world.

At Mass for Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis says world is increasingly elitist

“As Christians, we cannot be indifferent to the tragedy of old and new forms of poverty, to the bleak isolation, contempt and discrimination experienced by those who do not belong to ‘our’ group,” Pope Francis said.

Muslim leader meets Pope Francis, calls for Islam that sees no ‘infidels’

The leader of the largest independent Muslim organisation in the world met Pope Francis to present his vision for a more peaceful future and greater human fraternity.