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Tag: Vatican City

All urged to pray for humanity on May 14

On May 14..."Each person from wherever they are and according to the teachings of their religion, faith, or sect," turns to God "to inspire scientists to find a cure that can turn back this disease, and to save the whole world from the health, economic, and human repercussions of this serious pandemic."

Pope names US archbishop to head Vatican academy for diplomats

Pope Francis named Archbishop Joseph Marino, the nuncio to Malaysia, to head the Vatican diplomatic academy.

Francis urges priests to be faithful in time of ‘ecclesial purification’

Pope Francis published a letter Sunday to encourage all priests to remain steadfast and prayerful during this time of purification after revelations of abuse by some priests, so that there may be a renewal of holiness in the priesthood.

Pope Francis names seven women to previously all-male congregation

Pope Francis named six superiors of women's religious orders, a consecrated laywoman and the superior of the De La Salle Christian Brothers to be full members
