Tag: Vaccine
Homeless people to receive Covid-19 vaccines in the Vatican during Holy Week
The Office of Papal Charities is working to ensure that the vulnerable and marginalized in society have access to Covid-19 vaccines. 1200 people will have the opportunity of being vaccinated in the Vatican during Holy Week.
COVID-19: Apakah pendirian dan ajaran Gereja Katolik tentang vaksinasi?
Media sosial riuh sekarang tentang vaksin yang diluluskan dan sekarang disediakan bagi COVID-19. Bagaimanapun, perkara paling utama dalam fikiran ramai orang Katolik adalah isu-isu moral dan etika berhubung vaksinasi.
Holy See calls for easing of intellectual property barriers for Covid-19 vaccines
The Holy See is calling for the easing of restrictions imposed by the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), in order to allow speedy and maximum access to Covid-19 vaccines.
CBCM: Pastoral letter on COVID-19, Vaccines and Immunisation
For over a year now, together with all of you, we, your archbishops and bishops of Malaysia are not only aware but have also been affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 – none of us are spared.
Covid Vaccine: What about Africa?
As Europe and the United States roll out aggressive anti-Covid vaccination programs, the best-case scenario is that Africa will receive a substantial volume of the vaccine only about the middle of 2021.