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秉持合一与和谐的精神,砂拉越基督教会联合会(ACS)于12月21日在基督徒合一崇拜中心(CEWC)举办圣诞下午茶会。砂拉越元首敦佩欣斯里拿督旺朱乃迪·端姑再法博士(Tun Pehin Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar) 与夫人多潘拿督巴丁宜...

ACS Christmas High Tea 2024

In a spirit of unity and harmony, the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) organised a Christmas High Tea on 21 December at the...

A Memorable One Voice Musical Festival: ‘My Soul Magnifies the Lord’

It is often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. When the idea of a Musical Festival was first conceived it sounded...

Diocese of Sibu Pastoral Assembly gathered in Unity, to celebrate its Baptism

The official theme song of the Diocese of Sibu Pastoral Assembly was launched at the Assembly held on 24–25 November 2023 at the Sibu...

Community leaders at Diwali “Malaysian Family” event

A “Malaysian Family” Unity event was organised at the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Batu Kawa Kuching, on 29 October 2021 in conjunction with Diwali 2021 Celebrations in Kuching.
