Tag: Unifor
Pusat Jantung Sarawak pamer keharmonian agama dengan mewujudkan chapel
Pusat Jantung Sarawak di Kota Samarahan mencipta sejarah pada 4 Mac 2022 dengan pembukaan Chapel Sacred Heart yang dirasmikan dan...
Sarawak Heart Centre demonstrates religious harmony by building Chapel on its premise
The Sarawak Heart Centre (Pusat Jantung Sarawak) at Kota Samarahan, created history on 4 March 2022 with the opening of the Sacred Heart Chapel officiated and blessed by Catholic Archbishop Dr Simon Poh.
Integrity Lesson from Christmas – with Archbishop Simon Poh
The special guest for the session on “Integrity Lesson from Christmas” was Catholic Archbishop Dr Simon Poh from the Archdiocese of Kuching.
Integrity Lesson from Christmas – with Archbishop Simon Poh
Sharing session by Archbishop Simon Poh, in conjunction with Christmas on "Integrity Lesson from Christmas".
西連聖若瑟修女院之幼稚園(Tadika Juara)籌建新校舍 砂朥越其他宗教事務單位(UNIFOR)撥款壹百萬令吉
此间圣若瑟修女院之幼稚园( Tadika Juara)喜从武吉舍慕惹区州议員约翰依鲁斯手中接过由砂朥越其他宗教事务单位(UNIFOR)的壹百萬令吉拨款。
UNIFOR help for Tadika Juara
Tadika Juara of St Joseph’s Convent received a government grant of one million Ringgit from UNIFOR presented by ADUN (Semuja) YB Tuan John Ilus, on 30 October 2021.