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Tag: Ukraine

Cardinal Krajewski prays for victims at mass grave in Ukraine

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, spends Good Friday in Kyiv and prays at the site of a mass grave in nearby Borodyanka...

Ukraine: Sisters of St. Joseph turn convents into refugee centers

The Sisters of St. Joseph transform their convents in western Ukraine into centers for refugees, as Aid to the Church in Need provides...

Caritas Internationalis mourns the death of two Caritas staff in Mariupol

“This dramatic news leaves our Caritas family horrified and shocked. We join in grief and solidarity with the suffering of the families and our colleagues of Caritas Ukraine who are living a tragedy”.

Nuncio to Ukraine: Pope‘s call for Easter truce a time to stop and look...

Pope Francis‘ appeal on Palm Sunday for an Easter truce for war-ravaged Ukraine calls on all men and women to unite in prayer, and on...

Sacred Heart Caritas joins relief efforts for Ukraine

SACRED Heart Caritas answered the call made by Caritas Malaysia to join the global Caritas Confederation in their appeal to support the...

Ukraine: University students turn Catholic values into concrete solidarity

With the Russian invasion disrupting life in Ukraine in unimaginable ways, some young people are finding ways to combine studies and...