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Embracing the challenges of following Christ as a Secular Carmelite

Answering the call of Jesus to become His disciple is not an easy task. It requires a steadfast commitment to live according to His divine...

“My RCIA Journey”: Testimonies

Neophytes from the English RCIA at Blessed Sacrament Church share testimonies of their RCIA journey. Joining RCIA had been a deeply...


2024年复活节(3月31日),圣马尔谷堂华语慕道团 2023-2024中,共16位领入门圣事,2位领坚振圣事。

“My RCIA Journey” from Holy Trinity Parish, Kenyalang

Two neophytes, Yvonne Kong and Cynthia Kueh from the English RCIA at Holy Trinity Church share testimonies of their RCIA journey.

Program hujung minggu bersama seminarian

Aspiran dan Seminarian dari Keuskupan Keningau menganjurkan Program Hujung Minggu bersama Seminarian. Selain ‘fellowship’, program itu juga...

Synod: Testimony of Father Clarence Davedassan of Malaysia

At the presentation of the Fourth General Congregation of the Synod, Father Clarence Davedassan of Malaysia offers a testimony