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Tag: Synodality

Embracing synodality as a young Malaysian Communicator

From 25 September to 2 October 2023, I was blessed with an opportunity to spend a week in Rome and Vatican City as a participant in a...

Synod General Assembly to People of God: ‘Church must listen to everyone’

Participants in the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops have approved a Letter to the People of God giving thanks for...

Formasi sinodal di Asia

Perjalanan mesyuarat perundingan pertama mengenai formasi sinodal di Asia yang diadakan di Pattaya, Thailand, dari 11 hingga 15 September...

Synodal formation in Asia

The journey of the first consultation meeting on synodal formation in Asia held in Pattaya, Thailand September 11 – 15, began with the...

‘Todos, todos, todos!’

“Esta es la juventud de papá!” (“Kami adalah belia Paus!” dalam bahasa Sepanyol) merupakan satu laungan yang sering kedengaran di lebuh...

 ‘Todos, todos, todos!’

“Esta es la juventud de papá!” (“We are the youth of the Pope!” in Spanish), was a chant heard often along the streets of Lisbon, Portugal...