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Tag: Synodal Journey

Church of Asia: ‘Taking off our shoes’ expresses synodal journey

The Churches in Asia find their voice and publish their response to the Continental Stage of the Synod, which is characterized through an ancient traditional Asian custom.

Delegasi KAPA bersidang untuk mendengar dan mencerap arah ke hadapan sebagai Gereja Misionari

Seramai 350 wakil delegasi berkumpul di Dewan Utama St Joseph, ACCPC, pada 1–2 Oktober lepas untuk Perhimpunan Pastoral Keuskupan Agung...

KAPA Delegates meet to listen and discern the way forward as a Missionary Church

350 delegates congregated at the ACCPC St Joseph’s Grand Hall on 1-2 October for the Kuching Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly (KAPA) 2022.