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Tag: Suspension of Mass

CMCO: Kuching Archbishop exhorts strict adherence to Church SOP

The COVID-19 CMCO came into effect in Sarawak today. The state also recorded its highest number of positive cases.

Kuching Archbishop suspends Catholic Masses and Church activities

Archbishop Simon Poh of the Archdiocese of Kuching has issued an immediate temporary suspension of all Masses and Church activities for churches in the Red Zone until further notice.

Gereja Katolik di Sabah ditutup selama dua minggu selepas seorang anggota paroki dijangkiti COVID-19

Gereja Mary Immaculate (CMI) di Bukit Padang di sini telah ditutup sehingga 18 Ogos lepas setelah salah seorang anggota paroki didapati positif COVID-19.

Catholic church in Sabah closes doors for two weeks after one parishioner contracts Covid-19

The Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI) in Bukit Padang here is closed temporarily until August 18 after one of its parishioners was found to be Covid-19 positive.

Catholic Churches in Red Zone suspend Masses to help contain COVID-19

With effect from today (31 July), all Catholic Churches within Kuching, Kota Sentosa, Kota Samarahan and Kota Padawan will suspend Masses and Services until further notice.

Temporary suspension of Masses in Archdiocese of Kuching

In the face of the rapidly increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sarawak, the Catholic Archdiocese of Kuching has issued an announcement to all Catholics on the Temporary Suspension of Masses and is taking the following measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.
