Tag: Sunday School
Sunday School Parents and Guardians Attend Briefing
Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong held a parents and guardians briefing on 12 January 2025 conducted by its Sunday School administrator...
22nd Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour at St Ann’s Church, Kota Padawan
On 12 October 2024, 409 children from St Ann’s Parish came together in St Ann’s Church to partake in the Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic...
Sekolah Minggu Gereja Blessed Sacrament anjur Jam Suci Ekaristi Kanak-kanak Sedunia ke-23
Jam Suci Ekaristi Kanak-kanak Sedunia (WWCEHH) tahunan, anjuran Sekolah Minggu Gereja Blessed Sacrament, telah diadakan pada 11 Oktober lalu.
Confirmands told they now belong to God
By Martina Juan
KUCHING — The Confirmation Mass is the last step for confirmands to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Organised by the Sunday School under the Ministry of Bible and Faith Formation for the...
74 guru Sekolah Minggu Paroki Holy Spirit lawat Gereja St Augustine, Paroki Kecil Tebedu
Seramai 74 orang guru Sekolah Minggu dari seluruh Paroki Holy Spirit menyertai lawatan ke St Augustine, Paroki Kecil Tebedu, pada 26–27...