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Pemberian insentif kepada pelajar lepasan SPM dan STPM tahun 2023

Pada 12 Oktober lalu, perkumpulan Marian Guild Gereja Katolik St Ignatius di sini memberi insentif kepada lima pelajar yang mencapai...

Students told to focus on preparing for their examinations

All glory and praise to God for an amazing turnout at St Joseph’s Cathedral during the examination Mass for SPM, STPM and the Final...

SPM & STPM Examination Mass: students to be ‘open to grow and learn’

The Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild live-streamed an online SPM & STPM Examination Mass on YouTube on 13 February 2022 (Friday) at 7.30 pm.

Misa Kudus Pemberkatan Calon Peperiksaan 2022

Misa Kudus Pemberkatan Calon Peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Tinggi (SPM) dan Sijil Pelajaran Tinggi Malaysia (STPM) telah dirayakan...

Exam Prayer for SPM and STPM 2020

There is no online Exam Prayer for SPM and STPM 2020. The Sarawak Catholic Teachers' Guild has organised this event to pray for examination students. https://youtu.be/TjF9FcU0l8M
