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Tag: St Peter’s College

St Peter’s College Seminary celebrates inauguration of new Academic Year and installation of new...

The inauguration of a new Academic Year and the installation of the new Rector of the seminary were held together in a single celebration.

SPC closes 2022 Academic Year, bidding farewell to rector

St Peter’s College (SPC) Major Seminary 2022 academic year came to a close with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Wojciech Załuski, Apostolic...

聖伯鐸大修院之友年度感恩彌撒中    十五位修生晉升讀經職與輔祭職


15 seminarian diangkat menjadi ‘lector’, ‘acolyte’ di Misa Kesyukuran Tahunan ‘Friends of St Peter’s’

Kolej St Peter mengadakan Misa Kesyukuran tahunan untuk ‘Friends of St Peter’s’ pada 3 November 2022, yang turut menyaksikan seramai 15...

15 seminarians installed as lectors, acolytes at Friends of St Peter’s Annual Thanksgiving Mass

St Peter’s College held its annual Friends of St Peter’s Thanksgiving Mass on 3 November 2022, which also saw a total of 15 seminarians...

Kolej St Peter berterimakasih kepada penyumbang

Pada malam 4 November, Uskup Agung Simon Poh merayakan Misa Kesyukuran bagi ratusan penyumbang, termasuk kumpulan ‘Friends of St Peter’s’ (Rakan-Rakan Kolej St Peter), di Katedral St Joseph.
