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Tag: St Peter's Church

New St Peter’s Catholic Church is ‘God’s wonderful Gift’

The iconic St Peter’s Catholic Church in Padungan that had social media abuzz with excitement over its impending opening finally gave the...

SPC celebrates Faith Formation milestones

St Peter’s Church (SPC) recently celebrated the conclusion of its Sunday School lessons, marking significant spiritual milestones for...

Young of St Peter’s Church hold Trivia Night

‘We seek your help to raise funds for the new church!’ A church notice that was released in mid-June 2024 sparked interest among some...

Bangunan Gothik baharu Gereja St Peter masih kekurangan dana

Pembinaan Gereja St Peter bercirikan Gothik, yang bernilai RM38 juta, untuk menampung lebih 1,000 anggota paroki, bermula pada Oktober...

Gothic Church building still lacks funds

Work on the RM38 million Gothic-inspired St Peter’s Church built to accommodate over 1,000 parishioners, began in October 2019 and is...

Parish celebrates Feast of Corpus Christi with Exposition and Eucharistic Adoration

The Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, was celebrated at St Peter’s Church...