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那是八年前2016年2月3日傍晚,柯伦巴·格里森修士(Br Columba Gleeson)在爱尔兰波特劳伊斯卡斯尔敦逝世的噩讯传到砂朥越,距他的81岁生日只差一个半月。

Br Columba Gleeson: An icon of St Joseph’s School, Kuching

It was eight years ago when the sad news of the passing of Br Columba Gleeson in Castletown, Portlaoise, Ireland reached the shores of Sarawak in the early evening of 3 February 2016, which...

Legacy booklet to commemorate launch of restored SJS Mill Hill Block available for sale

THE MILL HILL LEGACY MMXXI, a booklet detailing the history of the iconic Mill Hill Block, fund raising activities, restoration works and completed MHB Gallery of St Joseph’s School, is available for purchase at RM30 per copy.


耗资五百五十万令吉翻新的圣若瑟中学弥赫尔楼于 10月30日祝圣,并于11月2日正式启用。

Blessing and launching of restored St Joseph’s Secondary School Mill Hill Block

The Mill Hill Block is iconic not only to St Joseph’s School but also to the history of Sarawak. It is made up of three buildings—the main building in the centre (gazetted as a heritage building) and its two wings.