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Tag: St Joseph’s Family of Schools (SJFS)

SJFS meraikan perayaan berganda yang meriah dengan “Rhythm & Colour”

Kumpulan Sekolah St Joseph, Kuching, akan mengadakan sambutan ulang tahun berganda tahun ini pada 5 dan 6 Ogos. Sempena perayaan ini...

SJFS celebrate joyous double-celebration with “Rhythm & Colour”

St Joseph’s Family of Schools, Kuching is having a double-anniversary celebration this year on 5 and 6 August. In conjunction with this...

The Word of God is Alive and Active

The study of Scripture is not something that naturally comes to mind when we think about the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations...

SJFS students receive Sacrament of Confirmation

A total of 63 students from both St Joseph’s Private Secondary School and St Joseph’s International School were sealed with the gifts...

SJIS Students prove their mettle in A Levels and IGCSE results

On 10 January 2022, the 33 A-level students at St Joseph’s International School received their results for the Cambridge Assessment of International Education examinations.

St Joseph’s International School and German Educare sign MOU to provide German Education Pathway...

St Joseph’s International School, Kuching (SJIS) on 12 February 2022 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with...
