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Tag: St Joseph's Cathedral

Newly appointed Malaysian Ambassador to Brazil gives thanks for her Mission School education

On 27 February 2023, Her Excellency Gloria Tiwet, the newly appointed Malaysian Ambassador to Brazil had her thanksgiving Mass celebrated...

BOL conducts Life in the Spirit Seminar for RCIA candidates

A 3-day Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) was organised by the Bread of Life Charismatic Covenant Community (BOL) at ACCPC Kuching from 17-19 February 2023 as part of the programme scheduled...

Confirmands told they now “belong to Christ”

On 4 February 2023, Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 65 youth confirmands and 26 Sunday School...

“Send me Lord, send me Lord, give me your spirit and send me Lord!”

A total of 174 confirmands from St Joseph's Family of Schools, SMK St Joseph, SMK St Teresa & SJC Catechism Class completed their...

SJC Parish Confirmation Seminar attracts 186 participants

On 16–17 September 2022, 186 Confirmands from SMK St Teresa, St Joseph’s Sunday School, SMK St Joseph, St Joseph’s Private School and St...

St Joseph’s Cathedral celebrates Commemoration of All Souls in ease of pandemic restrictions

The easing of Covid-19 restrictions finally allowed Catholic burial grounds across Sarawak to open for All Souls Day on 2 November.