Tag: St Francis of Assisi
St Ann’s Church organises ‘Blessing of the Animals Carnival’
St Ann’s Church, Kota Padawan came alive with joy, laughter, and the sound of animals as the parish celebrated the much-anticipated...
Selepas 800 tahun, tunik St Francis kembali ke Mesir
Ketika Santo Francis melakukan perjalanannya yang masyhur ke Mesir pada 1219, beliau memakai tunik sederhana yang seterusnya menjadi ciri...
800 years on, St Francis’ tunic returns to Egypt
When Saint Francis made his renowned journey to Egypt in 1219, he was wearing the humble tunic which went on to become characteristic of...
‘Regula Bullata’: Franciscans celebrate 800 years of evangelical creativity
In their essentiality, the Chapters of the Regula Bullata of Saint Francis of Assisi contain an abundant wealth of indications and stimuli...