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Tag: Sr Mildred Chin

砂朥越聖方濟修女會的米尔瑞德陳有蓮修女(Sr. Mildred)蒙主寵召,享年85歲

砂朥越圣方济修女会的米尔瑞德陈有莲修女( Sr. Mildred)于 2022 年 7 月 10 日,下午 6 点 15 分在修会修女的养老院,圣克拉拉之家蒙主宠召。

Sr Mildred SSFS returns to the Lord, aged 85

Sr Mildred Chin SSFS aged 85, was called home to be with the Lord on 10 July 2022 at 6.15pm at the Home of Santa Clara, the retirement home for the religious sisters.