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Tag: Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak (SSFS)

Mooncake Festival Celebration at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church

On 28 September 2024, the Chinese Community of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church (OLQOP) gathered at the Catholic Centre to celebrate the Mooncake Festival.


2024年9月22日,在圣体堂为五位方济各会修女举行了终身献身生活周年纪念特别弥撒。家人、朋友和砂拉越圣方济各修女会的修女们齐聚一堂,参加了修道誓愿周年纪念。其中,Sylvia Cheong修女和 Paula Foo修女庆祝60周年钻禧, Lidwina Choo修女...

Celebrating the anniversary of Perpetual Profession of Consecrated Life

A special Mass to celebrate the anniversary of Perpetual Profession of Consecrated Life of five Franciscan Sisters was held at Blessed...

Tribute to Sr Mathilda Agnes Abui Ak Markus Ngada, SSFS

Sr Mathilda Agnes Abui had served the SSFS Congregation, Church and the people of God for 65 years.

A Vocation Experience and Sharing from the Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak

Emiliani Usun Remy is a Kenyah girl from Long Tap, Baram. She has been accepted to further in the Initial Period of Formation (Postulancy)...

Tribute to Sr Ursula Lucia Madun Lian, SSFS

Sr Ursula Lucia Madun Lian was an exceptional person who lit up the lives of all who knew her. Her death came as a great shock to many...