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Tag: Sibu

Over 10,000 gather at ACS Sibu Christmas Parade 2024

Over 10,000 people gathered for the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) Sibu Christmas Parade 2024 tonight, marking a joyous and ...

ERCSC Annual Meeting and Formation in Sibu

Social communicators from the nine Catholic dioceses in Malaysia and Brunei emerged from their annual meeting with a renewed zeal for their work.

Komuniti Neocatechumenal Way anjur pementasan

Komuniti Neocatechumenal Way Gereja Katolik telah menganjurkan Pementasan Penampakan Tuhan untuk menyampaikan makna Krismas di Chapel St...

Neocatechumenal Way community organises ‘Epiphany Show’

The Catholic Church Neocatechumenal Way community organised an ‘Epiphany Show’ to showcase the meaning of Christmas at St Teresa Chapel, Sungai Merah on 7 January 2024.

Bersatu dalam doa demi masa depan yang lebih baik di Sarawak

Pada hari yang diberkati ini untuk memperingati Ulang Tahun Ke-60 Sarawak Merdeka pada 22 Julai 2023, generasi masa depan Belia Gereja Sarawak telah bersatu dalam doa.

United in Prayer for A Better Tomorrow in Sarawak

On this auspicious occasion to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of Sarawak on 22 July 2023, the future generation of Sarawak Church Youth united together in Prayer.
