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Tag: Sacred Heart Church

Sacred Heart Church Fiesta – In support of a good cause

The Ladies Guild of St Peter's Church Padungan joined hands to support the Sacred Heart Church Fiesta, held on 8-9 October 2022.

Priests and religious join Fr Felix and Friar David at funeral Mass for dad

The funeral Mass of Simon Au Loi Kui, father of Fr Felix and Friar David Au OFM, took place at Sacred Heart Church (SHC) on 26 September 2022, 10.00 am.

Blessing of Sacred Heart Parish Office and Rectory

KOTA SENTOSA — The Sacred Heart Parish Office and Rectory, located at Lot 944, Jalan Liu Shan Bang at Kota Sentosa was blessed by Archbishop Simon Poh on 26 May 2022, after celebrating Ascension...

Blessing of new Tabernacle in Sacred Heart Church, Kota Sentosa

On 24 April 2022, the Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday, a newly constructed Tabernacle in Sacred Heart Church was blessed by the Rector, Fr Felix Au, at the 7:30 am Mass.


参与圣心堂 11月6日的黄昏弥撒的教友们见证了由傅云生总主教主持的该堂新本堂欧庆伟神父的就职礼。

Fr Felix Au installed as new Rector of Sacred Heart Church

Parishioners at the Sacred Heart Church's Sunset Mass on 6 November witnessed the installation of Fr Felix Au as their new parish rector.
