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Tag: Sacred Heart Cathedral

Sacred Heart Cathedral Thanksgiving Dinner 2024

The Sacred Heart Cathedral Thanksgiving Dinner this year was celebrated at Sacred Heart Centenary Hall on Friday, 25 October 2024...

PROTEC Year 5: “Be Agents of Change and Ambassadors of Hope”

During this Season of Creation from 1 September to 10 October 2024, Pope Francis has called upon mankind to be Agents of Change and Ambassadors of Hope...

SHC Sibu honours Blessed Virgin Mary on the Feast of her Nativity

About 500 people gathered at Sacred Heart Cathedral to recite the Glorious Mysteries on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

39th Anniversary of the Dedication of Sacred Heart Cathedral

On 30 July, more than 2,000 parishioners who gathered for the 39th Anniversary Dedication Mass of Sacred Heart Cathedral witnessed a heavy...

St Mark and Sacred Heart Sunday School candidates receive Baptism and Rite of Reception

A total of 101 candidates from the Sunday Schools of St Mark Catholic Church and Sacred Heart Church, Kota Sentosa, received the Sacrament...

Seminar ‘Pengidup Baru Dalam Roh’ di Gereja Holy Family, Betong

Bersempena dengan Musim Lent lepas, satu seminar kerohanian telah diadakan di Gereja Holy Family, Betong.
