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Tag: Sacraments

Pope Francis: Living the fruits of the Holy Spirit helps us spread holiness

Pope Francis said Wednesday the person who lives with joy his anointing in the sacrament of confirmation cannot help but spread the...

Berapa lamakah hadirat Yesus dalam Ekaristi selepas kita menerima komuni?

‘The Real Presence’ atau Hadirat Sebenar Kristus tidak berakhir selepas kita menerima-Nya dalam Misa di bawah rupa roti dan wain atau air...

How long is Jesus present in the Eucharist after we’ve received communion?

The "Real Presence" of Christ does not end when we receive him at Mass under the appearance of bread and wine...

Terawi parish receives 27 newly-baptised

“Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the death, He has risen to die no more”, the hymn was sung joyfully on Saturday Easter Vigil...

Pope’s June prayer intention: ‘The beauty of Marriage’

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of June, and invites everyone to pray for those preparing for marriage, which is “a vocation born from the heart.”

Sibu Diocese to focus on Creation and Sacraments for the next seven years

A decade of Creation Justice for the Diocese of Sibu from 2017 to 2026 has been announced.
