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Rosary Devotion month at Chapel of Mother Mary

Holy Mass followed by a Candlelight Procession of the Statue of our Lady and Rosary Prayers at the Grotto, was held on Tuesday 3 October...

Program Bulan Rosari di Gereja Santa Anna

Pada 1 Oktober lalu, Paroki Santa Anna telah membuka Bulan Rosari yang berlangsung sepanjang bulan Oktober.

Chapel of Mother Mary marks the month of October Rosary Devotion

To mark the month of October Rosary Devotion, Chapel of Mother Mary Stutong celebrated Holy Mass on Tuesday, 4 October 2022, followed by a...

The Intertwined Histories of our Faith and our State

From the earliest European Missions to the modern Archdiocese; from Brooke-era missionaries to present-day shepherds, come learn about the...

Pope promotes Rosary for peace, urges Christians to listen more

Pope Francis invites Christians to join him in praying the Rosary for peace on Tuesday, 31 May, and to seek to listen well to one another...

May Marian devotions at Saint Peter’s feature “Mater Ecclesiae”

During this month of May dedicated to Mary, celebrations taking place at St. Peter's include Saturday candlelight processions with the recitation of the Rosary and Wednesday prayers and Mass...