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Tag: Rosary

Launching of Rosary devotion month at Chapel of Mother Mary

A Holy Mass followed by a candlelight procession of the statue of Our Lady and Rosary prayers at the Grotto was held on Tuesday, 1 October...

Pope: Pray Rosary for Our Lady’s intercession in wars lashing our world

Pope Francis entrusted to the Blessed Mother people suffering from wars and conflicts around the world, and invited the faithful to...





Bulan Kebaktian Rosari di Chapel Bonda Maria

Misa Kudus disusuli perarakan Patung Bonda kita sambil membawa lilin dan doa Rosari di grotto telah diadakan pada 3 Oktober 2023 di Chapel...

Program bulan rosari bersama umat rumah panjang

Bulan Oktober merupakan bulan untuk memperingati Bonda Maria. Jawatankuasa induk Gereja St Ignatius dengan kerjasama Ministri Belia Gereja...