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St Joseph’s Cathedral welcomes back parishioners

At long last, parishioners are able to attend Mass at St Joseph's Cathedral—the first time in over three months since the nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO).

St Peter’s Padungan reopens for masses

St Peter’s Catholic Church at Padungan here reopened for sunset mass on last Saturday (July 4), morning and evening masses yesterday after being closed for more than three months during Movement Control Order to contain Covid-19.

Church holds first Sunset Mass during MCO

Catholics here gathered on Saturday evening (20 June) to attend the first Sunset Mass at the Holy Mary Immaculate Conception Church after three months of closure due to the threat of Covid-19.

Association of Churches prepares for next action under RMCO

The Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) will work closely with Unit for Other Religions (Unifor) and the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) on the next plan of action under the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), said ACS chairman Archbishop Simon Poh.
