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Jemaat Katolik St Colette Taman Malihah lawat Taman Gethsemane, Bunan

Pada 22 Julai 2023, sempena Hari Sarawak, Pusat Katolik St Colette (PKSC) Taman Malihah telah mengadakan retreat (pemukiman rohani) di...

Perhimpunan dan Retreat Majlis Pastoral Paroki St Stephen 2023

Pada 30 April hingga 1 Mei yang lepas, seramai 64 ahli Majlis Pastoral Paroki (MPP) St Stephen, Bau dan tiga orang paderi telah menyertai Perhimpunan dan Retreat yang diadakan di Pusat Latihan SALCRA Bajo, Lundu. 

Belia bersatu dalam kasih Kristus

Ministri Belia Paroki (PYM) Sri Aman telah menganjurkan program pemukiman atau retreat belia di Gereja Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) di...

OCDS holds retreat with focus on Community, Prayer and Work

Christ The King (CTK) OCDS Community held her annual retreat from 15 to 17 October 2022 with the theme, “Be Still and Know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10).

Annual retreat for Initiation Year seminarians 2022

AFTER coping with the changes that stem from a seminarian’s life for over two terms, an annual retreat was a fitting program for the eight...


肯雅兰圣三堂儿童礼仪组于 2022年7月22日、砂劳越日,在圣若瑟总主教座堂总主教公署举办《一日避静》。