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Tag: Retreat

ADVENTure 2024: Growing in Relationships… with God as sole source and summit

As we entered the season of Advent, we were blessed with the opportunity to attend ADVENTure 2024, an Advent weekend spiritual retreat...



Marian Guild Gereja Holy Family Betong, Gereja St Ignatius Saratok sertai retreat di Mount...

Pada 7 hingga 8 September lalu, sembilan ahli Marian Guild Gereja Holy Family, Betong, dan 17 ahli Marian Guild Gereja St Ignatius, Saratok...

Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild attends Afternoon Retreat

On 7 July 2024, several committee members of the Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild gathered for a recollection at Canisius House for a...

Paroki Santa Anna adakan Rekoleksi Ketua Sembahyang

Rekoleksi Ketua Sembahyang telah dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Pembentukan Iman (FFC), Gereja Katolik Santa Anna, Kota Padawan, pada 20...

Encountering Fr Prasad: A Journey Deeper into Carmelite Spirituality

During our recent OCDS (Order of Discalced Carmelites Secular) retreat, held from 2–4 June 2024 at the Impiana Roxy Hotel, we had the...