Tag: Religious
Kuching Archdiocese celebrates World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life
Kuching Archdiocese’s celebration of this year’s World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, was marked with the gathering at the Carmelite Chapel, Kuching...
Pope to Augustinians: ‘Place Christ at the center of your life’
Place Christ at the center of your life and mission, and witness the love of God in all you do.
Suara religius wanita di Persidangan Umum FABC
Beberapa religius wanita menjadi antara tetamu jemputan di Persidangan Umum Persekutuan Uskup-Uskup Asia (FABC) di Bangkok.
The voice of women religious at FABC General Conference
Six women religious attending the Asian Bishop's General Conference in Bangkok explain that their presence is important, since they represent the poor...