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Tag: Religious Freedom

Takhta Suci: Kebebasan beragama dicabul di satu pertiga dunia

Hak asasi manusia, termasuk kebebasan fikiran, hati nurani dan agama, terus dicabul pada skala yang amat membimbangkan di seluruh dunia...

Holy See: Religious freedom is violated in one third of the world

Human rights, including those against freedom of thought, conscience and religion, continue to be violated on an alarming scale across the...

Religious freedom situation in the world ‘worsening’

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), several countries in the world recorded a significant deterioration of religious freedom conditions throughout 2022.

Advancing religious freedom despite persecutions on the rise

Despite religious persecution surging globally, the Chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Nury Turkel, talks about ways to combat the phenomenon and affirms...

Pelaburan yang tepat pada waktunya bagi keharmonian agama

Dengan sumbangan langsung dari Unit Agama-Agama Lain (UNIFOR) kepada keharmonian agama termasuk menyediakan bantuan kewangan kepada pelbagai rumah ibadat, Uskup Agung Roman Katolik Kuching, Most Reverend Simon Poh, percaya bahawa ia sesungguhnya adalah keputusan yang tepat pada waktunya bagi keajaan negeri untuk melabur dalam sebuah bangunan yang tetap bagi UNIFOR.

Sarawakians demonstrate unity through Harmony Walk 2018

KUCHING — Despite a weather forecast of possible rain, an estimated 1000 plus Sarawakians turned up at the crack of dawn at the Association of Churches (ACS) car park on 29 September, for the annual Harmony Walk, which was initiated last year.