Tag: Red Mass
The Red Mass 2021
Annual Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit – The Red Mass 2021
Inviting all Catholic lawyers, judges, legal counsels, law lecturers, academics, law students, government officials, and everyone involved in the legal profession and administration...
Peguam Katolik Kuching hadiri Misa Merah untuk merasmikan tahun kehakiman baharu
Pada 4 Januari lalu, lebih 40 orang peguam yang memakai jubah mahkamah dan diiringi keluarga masing-masing, menghadiri Misa Merah di Gereja Blessed Sacrament BDC untuk berdoa bagi tahun kehakiman baharu.
Kuching Catholic lawyers attend Red Mass to mark opening of new judicial year
On 4 January 2020, over 40 lawyers robed in open court attire and accompanied by their families, attended the Red Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC, to pray for the new judicial year.
Kuching Archbishop celebrates Red Mass for the Legal Profession
KUCHING — On 12 January 2019, Archbishop Simon Poh presided over the Kuching Archdiocese’s Red Mass at the Blessed Sacrament Church in BDC.