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Menanggapi kehendak Tuhan dan mendengar suara Roh Kudus

Keuskupan Agung Kuching mengadakan Hari Rekoleksi Bersama pada 3 September menerusi ZOOM bersama paderi, religius, ahli majlis pastoral...

Hari Rekoleksi di Gereja ‘Holy Family’ Betong

Pelayanan Belia Paroki Sri Aman telah menganjurkan program ‘A Day of Recollection’ di Gereja ‘Holy Family’ di sini pada 30 Julai lalu...

Discerning God’s will and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit

The Archdiocese of Kuching held a Joint Day of Recollection (JDR) on 3 September via Zoom with priests, religious, parish pastoral councillors and lay leaders.

Rekoleksi Untuk Pelayan Liturgi

Satu rekoleksi untuk pelayan liturgi telah diadakan di Gereja Holy Family Betong pada 23 Julai lalu, bermula pada jam 8.30 pagi dan...

Holy Week Recollection Day for Priests reveals need for Succession Plan

The Archdiocese of Kuching Presbyterium held its annual Holy Week recollection day on 13 April, via Zoom.