My Journey of Faith (Part 3)
To become Catholic was big for me. Since my childhood, I was drawn to Jesus despite my secular upbringing. In times of need, I used to pray wholeheartedly and often had a rosary, crucifix or even a prayer book on hand for comfort, but that was all I knew.
Perjalanan Iman Saya
Kesaksian katekumen dari RCIA 2019/2020 yang berjaya menyiapkan kursus selepas lama tertangguh disebabkan oleh pandemik.
Katekumen selesai Upacara Inisiasi Kristian
Kursus RCIA 2019/2020 (Bahasa Inggeris) berakhir dengan sembahyang Misa yang diadakan pada 19 dan 20 Disember 2020, dan dirayakan oleh Rektor Gereja Blessed Sacrament (Sakramen Maha Kudus), Fr Patrick Heng.
My Journey of Faith (Part 2)
Testimonies of catechumens from RCIA 2019/2020 who successfully completed the course after a prolonged delay due to the pandemic.
Catechumens complete Rite of Christian Initiation
A total of 37 catechumens had successfully completed the course after a prolonged delay due to the pandemic.