Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong welcomes four new catechumens
During the First Sunday of Lent Mass on 6 March 2022, out of the 90 parishioners attending the 9.30 am Mass at the Chapel of Mother Mary...
Sacred Heart Cathedral celebrates the Rite of Acceptance for inquirers in the new norm
The church usually welcomes the inquirers who have gone through a few months of “first contact’ in the RCIA, by celebrating the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens during a Sunday Mass.
RCIA resumes at Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong
Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong started its first online lesson for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) in English for the period of 2021/2022 on 24 July 2021.
Parish invites registration for RCIA Online Class
The Parish invites those who are interested to know more about the Christian faith, or to become a Catholic, to join the RCIA lesson/ class.
Perjalanan Iman Saya
Kesaksian katekumen dari RCIA yang berjaya menyiapkan kursus selepas lama tertangguh disebabkan oleh pandemik.