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My Journey of Faith (Part 5)

As a 29-year-old female Taoist, my faith journey has been unique and full of twists and turns. I came from a family background which...


我在姐姐和姐夫的鼓励下,又在疫情时没有工作,开始参加线上慕道班。经过一年的上课,我终于等到我的大日子 ---领洗日。

Easter Vigil Mass: 21 RCIA Elects receive Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation

21 Elects from the 2022/2023 RCIA classes completed the Rites of Initiation at the Easter Vigil on 8 April 2023 at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC.

My Journey of Faith (Part 4)

I am Peter Kong and I come from a mixed religion family. My father was an Anglican from a young age and my mother is a Buddhist, but she...

Terawi parish receives 27 newly-baptised

“Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the death, He has risen to die no more”, the hymn was sung joyfully on Saturday Easter Vigil...

39 calon penerimaan di Paroki SJC akui kepercayaan mereka

Pada 21 dan 23 Mac 2023, 39 calon penerimaan dari kelas-kelas Upacara Inisiasi Kristian bagi Orang Dewasa (RCIA) Bahasa Malaysia dan...