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Tag: Priests

Pengurapan pembaptisan: Panggilan untuk menjadi umat Tuhan yang imamat, kenabian dan rajawi

Misa Krisma, yang menurut tradisi dirayakan oleh uskup setiap keuskupan bersama para paderinya dari seluruh keuskupan, dirayakan pada 27...

Baptismal anointing: A calling to be priestly, prophetic and kingly People of God

The Mass of the Chrism which the Bishop of every Diocese traditionally concelebrates with his priests throughout the Diocese was celebrated on 27 March 2024 at St Joseph’s Cathedral.

16 priests, 25 deacons ordained in Seoul, site of World Youth Day 2027

Archbishop Peter Chung Soon-taek of Seoul recently ordained 16 new priests and 25 new deacons for the archdiocese that will host World...

Why Do Catholics Confess Their Sins to a Priest instead of Directly to God?

God knows I'm sorry, isn't that enough? Why do Catholics confess their sins to a priest, rather than going directly to God?

Global Catholic population rising as number of priests, religious falls

As every year, in view of World Mission Sunday taking place this year on 22 October, the Vatican’s Fides news agency has released a...

Vietnam celebrates Vocations Sunday with diaconate ordinations

The Church in Vietnam rejoices as eight men are ordained to the diaconate in the Archdiocese of Hanoi, ahead of World Vocations Day.