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古晋总教区、诗巫和美里教区以及文莱宗座代牧区的圣职人员于 5 月 13 日至 17 日聚首于 格盟央的诗巫教区牧灵中心...

Sarawak and Brunei Clergy Annual Retreat 2024

The Presbyteria from the Archdiocese of Kuching, the Dioceses of Sibu and Miri, and also the Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam...

Sarawak Clergy Retreat 2023

The clergy from the dioceses across Sarawak gathered at St Peter’s College, Kuching for their annual 5-day retreat from 8–12 May 2023.

Annual Retreat: Priests urged to move out of their comfort zones

84 priests from the whole of Sarawak and Brunei attended a 5 - day Annual Retreat at St Peter’s Seminary College, Kuching from 16 - 20 September.
