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Tag: Priestly Ordination

Keuskupan Miri ada dua paderi Katolik baharu

Populasi Katolik seramai 90,000 orang di Keuskupan Miri, utara Sarawak, mengalu-alukan dua orang paderi baharu pada Rabu, 30 Disember tahun lepas.

‘God is not a liar’ – Invalidly baptized priest thankful for God’s Providence

When a priest is ordained, his hands are anointed with oil. They are then wiped clean with a white linen cloth -- it’s called a maniturgium.

Celebrating 15 years of Priestly Ordination…

KUCHING — When Fr Lawrence Chua retired, Fr Felix Au took over as Rector of Blessed Sacrament Church in February 2017.
