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Blessed 33rd Priestly Ordination Anniversary to Archbishop Simon Poh

KUCHING — Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh reached another milestone in his consecrated life on 31 July 2021. It was 33 years ago to this day, that he was ordained a priest by then Archbishop...

Selamat Ulang Tahun Pentadbisan Kepaderian Ke-33 Yang Diberkati kepada Uskup Agung Simon Poh

Uskup Agung Kuching Simon Poh mencapai satu lagi mercu dalam kehidupannya yang dikonsekrasi pada 31 Julai 2021.

Ordination postponement was time to discern God’s call

Fr Stephen Esguerra was born on March 28, 1982. Most of his childhood and adolescence was spent in Tawau in Kg Madai, Kunak.

Sandakan Diocese has another priest

Deacon Stephen Esguerra was raised to the order of the priesthood at St Mary’s Cathedral on May 13. This ordination was supposed to have been held in the Holy Trinity Church of Tawau.

Pope at Mass: Priestly ordination ‘a gift of service’

Pope Francis celebrates Mass on Good Shepherd Sunday, and ordains 9 men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Rome.
