Tag: Prayer
Pope’s December prayer intention: ‘For pilgrims of hope’
“Let us pray that this upcoming Jubilee may strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives...
Priest explains why Catholics need to pray to saints
Praying to saints is a topic that can make believers and non-believers a little confused. After all, when people put their hands together...
EMPOWERED organises Rosary Prayer Night
Members and leaders of EMPOWERED Ministry, together with three seminarians, came together for a Rosary Prayer Night on Friday, 11 October...
Bulan rosari dimulakan dengan puji dan sembah di Betong
Pada 1 Oktober lepas, sempena pembukaan bulan Rosari yang disambut pada Oktober setiap tahun, satu program khas telah diadakan, iaitu...
Paroki Our Lady Queen of Peace sambut bulan rosari
Seperti paroki lain dalam Keuskupan Agung Kuching, umat Gereja Our Lady Queen of Peace di sini turut melancarkan bulan rosari pada...
7th October: Catholic community worldwide prays and fasts for peace
In response to the Pope’s appeal, Catholics worldwide mark a day of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving for peace in the Middle East...