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US Bishops condemn attack on Capitol and ask for prayers

US Catholic bishops unanimously condemn the violence that engulfed the United States Capitol, which left four people dead and many injured.

Pope’s prayer intention for January: At the service of fraternity

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for January 2021, which focuses on human fraternity, and calls for people of different religions, cultures, traditions, and beliefs to return to the essential: love of neighbor.

Pope at Audience: Those who pray, pray for all

Pope Francis reflects on “the prayer of intercession” during his weekly General Audience.

Pope’s December prayer intention: For a life of prayer

In a video message for his December prayer intention, Pope Francis speaks about the power of prayer to change reality and our hearts, and prays that, through a life of prayer, we may nourish our relationship with Jesus Christ.

McCarrick Report: Pope Francis prays for victims of sexual abuse

Pope Francis acknowledged the publication of the McCarrick Report at the general audience Wednesday.

Pope’s November prayer intention: that progress in robotics and AI “be human”

In his video message on his prayer intention for November, Pope Francis emphasizes that progress in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) be oriented “towards respecting the dignity of the person and of Creation”.