Tag: Prayer
What the youths are praying for this Lent
"Help us not to be the weeds in your garden. Instead, lead us closer to you and give us the wisdom to make choices that will please you."
NZ Bishops pray for end to violence on anniversary of Christchurch massacre
The Interfaith Committee of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) expresses its support with the country’s Muslims, and prays for an end to violence.
Myanmar’s bishops urge military to end violence, start dialogue
As protests against the military coup intensify in Myanmar, the country’s Catholic bishops have issued another statement, calling on the army to refrain from violence and peacefully resolve the crisis through dialogue.
Catholic nuns, priests join Myanmar anti-coup protests
While Myanmar’s military intensifies its crackdown on protesters, who are demanding the restoration of democracy and the release of their elected leaders, Catholics are joining the demonstrations in larger numbers, with many nuns offering snacks to the protesters.
8 February: International Day of Prayer Against Human Trafficking
Christians are invited to join an online Prayer Marathon on 8 February for an economy without human trafficking.
Bedside care: Rome priest chronicles ministering while sick with COVID-19
Before 19 November, Father Valerio Bortolotti’s Facebook posts had been the usual updates and reminders about parish activities, formation courses and video-recorded Masses outdoors with lax mask usage among the celebrants.