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St Joseph Altar Servers hold Zoom rosary prayer

St Joseph Altar Servers gather online at least once a week to remind themselves that they are “prayer leaders” and continue to serve GOD.

Rosary marathon to end with prayers that Mary undo ‘knots’ tied by COVID-19

Pope Francis will conclude the Catholic Church’s monthlong rosary marathon with special prayers to Mary, Undoer of Knots, one of his favorite titles for the mother of Jesus.

Pope calls on Catholics to accompany Church in China with fervent prayer

“Tomorrow, the Catholic faithful in China celebrate the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, the celestial patron of their great country,” Pope Francis noted in remarks following the Regina Coeli on Sunday.

Emmaus adakan ‘sesi pelayanan’ pertama menerusi Zoom

Kumpulan ‘Emmaus Servant Community’ dari Gereja Blessed Sacrament mengadakan Kelompok Doa Zoom mingguannya pada April 28 dengan satu ‘sesi pelayanan’.

Pope Francis asks for prayers for peace in Myanmar

Reminding the faithful that we have entered the Marian month of May and of the daily “Prayer Marathon” initiative, Pope Francis invites everyone to pray for peace and reconciliation in Myanmar.

Raising a generation of young missionary disciples for Jesus Christ

Campus ministry is tough work. All the tougher to start a campus ministry from ground zero during these extraordinary times affected by COVID.