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God… are You there?

God, are you there? I’ve been wanting to talk to you but I feel you’re so far away… I kinda know You’re here but why do I feel so far from You?

Cardinal Krajewski prays for victims at mass grave in Ukraine

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, spends Good Friday in Kyiv and prays at the site of a mass grave in nearby Borodyanka...

Pope’s April Prayer Intention: For health care workers

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of April, asking Christians to pray for health care workers and urging governments...

Catholic teachers asked to pray and discern

The Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild annual general meeting which was held at St Joseph’s Private School on 19 February...

Ukrainian priests to celebrate Mass in Kyiv bomb shelters

In a video message the head of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine, Major Archbishop Shevchuk reiterates the Church’s closeness to its...

2PM Virtual Sunday Prayers

EMPOWERED Ministry has organised fortnightly prayer sessions virtually on Sundays for its members and for others who are interested to pray together.