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Tag: Pope Francis

Pope at Audience: God remains near to us in suffering when we pray

In his catechesis at the Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis reflects on the witness of prayer as laid out in the Book of Psalms, saying the door to God’s heart is always open in our moments of pain.

Pope’s intention for October: that women have greater leadership roles in the Church

Pope Francis releases a video message accompanying his prayer intention for October, the missionary month, in which he calls for the promotion of greater integration of the lay faithful, especially women, in areas of responsibility in the Church.

Pope urges Catholics to pray the rosary amid “looming threats”

Holding his Wednesday General Audience on the feast of the Our Lady of the Rosary, 7 October, the Pope shared his thoughts on the Marian prayer.

Fratelli tutti: ‘Don’t just read it, pray it’

Fr Kevin Irwin suggests "Fratelli tutti" should be both read and prayed because it is "nothing less than about a way to reread and to live the Gospel for our times".

Pope introduces his new Encyclical after Angelus

Pope Francis himself introduces his new Encyclical "Fratelli tutti" after the recitation of the Angelus, and announces he is giving it as a gift to those present in the square.

Season of Creation 2020

Semenjak penerbitan ensiklik Laudato Sì pada tahun 2015, setiap tahun Gereja mendedikasikan masa untuk Musim Penciptaan, dan pada tahun 2020, Musim Penciptaan bermula pada 1 September sehingga 4 Oktober (Pesta Santo Francis dari Assisi).