Tag: Pope Francis
Pablo, who died at 21, to the Pope: ‘I will not be at WYD,...
Spanish journalist, Eva Fernandez, delivers letter to Pope Francis from Pablo, a young Spaniard and Carmelite, who passed away at age 21 in...
“Popecast” features Pope Francis’ latest podcast with young people
The first "Popecast" podcast back in March marked a first-of-its-kind occasion for Pope Francis at the time of the tenth anniversary of his pontificate.
Pope to Claretians: Continue offering God’s overflowing love
Pope Francis expresses his gratitude to the Claretian Missionary Sisters for their efforts to show people around the world God's...
Pope to WYD pilgrims: ‘Walk joyfully together with others’
Pope Francis releases a brief video message for pilgrims destined for World Youth Day in Lisbon, and encourages them to journey together...
Pope Francis links messages of WYD and World Grandparents Day
Speaking at the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis highlighted the celebrations of the 3rd World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly...
Catholic sister in Mongolia hopes Pope’s visit will help increment work of missionaries
An Indian missionary sister whose work is in Ulaanbaatar, looks forward to Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to Mongolia this upcoming 31...