Tag: Pope Francis
Pope mandates reporting of sex abuse to church, not police
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis issued a groundbreaking new church law Thursday requiring all Catholic priests and nuns around the world to report clergy sexual abuse and cover-ups by their superiors to church authorities, in a new effort to hold the Catholic hierarchy accountable for failing to protect their flocks.
Pope Francis: Divine Mercy is found in Christ’s wounds
VATICAN CITY — On Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis reflected on Christ’s wounds, which he said contain the difficulties and persecutions endured by people who suffer today.
Pope Francis: Like holy oil, priests must pour themselves out for others
VATICAN CITY — The holy oil blessed at the Chrism Mass is a reminder of the priest’s call to be close to the People of God, pouring himself out in service to them, Pope Francis said Thursday.
Pope Francis on Palm Sunday: True triumph is found in Christ’s humility
VATICAN CITY — On Palm Sunday, Pope Francis warned against the temptation of “triumphalism,” encouraging Catholics to follow Jesus’s way of humility and obedience exemplified in His Passion.
Pope Francis in Morocco: ‘Let the culture of mercy grow’
RABAT, MOROCCO — Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the Prince Moulay Abdellah Stadium in Rabat Sunday, calling upon the Moroccan people to “let the culture of mercy grow.”
“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rom 8:19)