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Pemberkatan & Pengutusan Konstabel Polis

Pada kebiasaannya, apabila berakhirnya Program Latihan Asas Kepolisan (PLAK), Pelatih Konstabel Polis di Pusat Latihan Polis (PULAPOL) Kuching akan diraikan dalam satu Majlis Perbarisan Tamat Latihan (POP). Untuk Pelatih beragama Kristian pula, pihak Gereja All Saints’ PULAPOL Kuching biasanya akan menganjurkan Majlis Kesyukuran dan pemberkatan untuk mereka.

New Policemen Recruits: Blessed and Sent

It is a norm that at the end of the Police Basic Training Program (PLAK), the Police Constable at the Police Training Centre (PULAPOL) in Kuching, will be celebrated with a Passing of Parade (POP) Ceremony. For the Christian trainees, the All Saints’ Church of PULAPOL will usually organise a special Thanksgiving and Blessing ceremony for them.
